Orishas are spiritual beings in the Yoruba religion, originating from West Africa. They serve as intermediaries between humans and the supreme creator, Olodumare. The belief in Orishas spread to the Americas through the transatlantic slave trade, influencing religions such as Santería (Cuba), Candomblé (Brazil), and Vodou (Haiti).
Major Orishas
Eleguá (Elegbara)
Guardian of crossroads, messenger of the divine, and protector.
Oshún (Oxum)
Goddess of love, fertility, beauty, and rivers.
Yemayá (Yemoja)
Mother of all Orishas, goddess of the ocean and motherhood.
Shango (Xangô)
God of thunder, fire, and justice; a warrior and king.
Ogun (Ogum)
Orisha of iron, war, labor, and technology.
Obatalá (Oxalá)
The father of all Orishas, associated with wisdom and peace.
Oyá (Iansã)
Warrior goddess of winds, storms, and transformation.
Babalu Aye
Orisha of health, disease, and healing.